Sunday, July 26, 2009

48th Sunday...Defying Gravity!!!

Song of the week: Jeremiah Gyang – In Love With You

Encouragement Verse: “He will make the darkness bright before them and smooth and straighten out the road ahead. He will not forsake them.” – Isaiah 42:16 (TLB)

Quote of the week: “Lord, allow others to be drawn to you through the gift & character you have embedded in me.” --- Daniel D. (The Violinist)

Two Sundays and one heartbreak…whose heart got wrecked? It was my heart…

My very first thought was to just crawling into some corner and cry my pretty eyes out but then why shed these tears for a situation that I am a Victor and not a Victim. Yes, my heart was broken but I did not have to compromise or stay in relationship (too long) that did not have a promising future for me. So emphatically it wasn’t worth me spilling my precious tear drops for...

For three (3) days, this heart of mine fought to stay afloat the river of joy but it sank until God breathe life back into it. From the disappointment I arose to inscribe into my life’s story that this Love in my heart has defy gravity…again it has won the battle of being engulfed by the bitterness that tries to surround this situation. Lord, I am MOVING FORWARD.

…in utter disbelief, I read the note from the stranger over and over again. Distracted by the worries which life temporary threw at me, but then I was killed softly by the poetic words of my stranger. He came heating the oven when he neither was neither ready to cook nor did he know what to cook. For a moment, he acted like the real deal but then I discovered a Judas in his character. Underneath it all, I found the wolf’s clothing…

And then with one line, the relationship that was still a toddler hit the roads of uncertainty. He said, “You seem to be passionate about God”? “Yes”, I said. “It is God that has kept me sane all these years…” And the next thing I got was ‘THE NOTE’…it was over before it began.

Surely I know that I am not possessed by the spirit of any river goddess, and neither is there anyone out there in my village cooking up something suspicious against me. The Answer for the non-sticking relationship is? It just not the right time and so another one bites the dust in my search for Love…

What takes the weight off me is the faith I have in God to see me through the end of this and the fact that I have another chance to make a difference. So my readers, it is back to living out the life of ‘Elizabeth’ (the main character) in the Jane Austen’s book, ‘Pride & Prejudice’. Maybe in the end, I may get my Mr. Darcy…LOL

[It can only get BETTER…]


Picture source: GettyImages

Sunday, July 19, 2009

47th Sunday...Love is UNSTOPPABLE!!!

Song of the week: Daniel D. (Violinist**)Knock You Down

Encouragement Verse: “You let men ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance..” – Psalm 66:12 (NIV)

Quote of the week: “Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love.” --- Erich Fromm

Reading your comments on the last post, some felt like there was something missing from ‘Love comes knocking’. But what can I write than I have been swept away…an unstoppable current of Love has overwhelmed me that all I can do for now, is to just fall. And if I fall on my face, let God help me.

So I guess you figured it out, that is going to be an ongoing process that may have a happy ending or a another new beginning (Let’s just put it that way…no sad stories here. LOL)

I am stunned by the stranger, ‘Roti’ that I know I definitely haven’t done enough justice relating the direction this heart of mine is sailing. So if you avoid the comment segment like a plague, I forgive you.

So I ask myself, “How did I get here? And when did I get there? Is ‘Roti’ trying to oust ‘Bankole’ from the safe haven called ‘My Heart’?” [Ok! I know ‘Bankole’ may not be real to you but he is real to me.]
I always knew when to reverse out of the driveway of any unfamiliar zone but in this situation, I am poles apart with a sensible explanation.

God, please help me with this one, I need You to walk with me as I move forward…

[To you readers, Please forgive me but I can’t think properly, it is like I am under a spell. ]

Picture source: istockphoto
**You can check out the channel 'DDProductions2007' for more from Daniel D. (Violinist)...'Knock you down' originally by Keri Hilson but I love this mix...Enjoy!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

46th Sunday...Love comes knocking!!!

Song of the week: Solange – Sandcastle

Encouragement Verse: “...Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure and purpose.” – Isaiah 46: 10 (Amplified Bible)

Quote of the week: “And all people live, not by reason of any care they have for themselves, but by the love for them that is in other people.” --- Leo Tolstoy

...I am hopeful I’d not be turned away before I have a chance to step into the presence of the Queen...” - The Stranger* (2009)

You may have heard or read this: “Open Your Door When Opportunity comes knocking…” For me, it is tempting to swing wide those doors especially when those open wounds have just healed. But what can I do when victory came knocking at the door of a woman once bended out of shape…

Even with so much distraction inside the house, I still gambled with a possibility theory outlined by my simple soul.
I peeped. But the face of the stranger, an alien to my memory.

He speaks. His smooth voice, yet the memory chips in my brain find no match to his voice. I shut back the blinds and was about to walk away when suddenly I hear a familiar name.

I froze on the spot. And to myself, I wondered how he was able to know that name. The only name that could thaw out this frozen heart once closed to love. Without knowing, I give him access…a total stranger.

He did not barge in on me still his presence invokes loads of curiosity about who this man is. The man who has the courage to step into the presence of the Queen…

[But what will happen next? Would this just be another love story that blows with the wind or would the tranquility of the atmosphere keep it around hanging in there long enough for a conclusion to a future best selling love story? The answer is unknown …but only God knows best!]

The story continues

Picture source: istockphoto
[*The Stranger*...I call him 'Roti' for now]

Sunday, July 5, 2009

45th Sunday...Giving A Second Chance???

Song of the week: M. I – Pulling Me Back & Jordin SparksBattlefield

Encouragement Verse: “...What are you, O mighty mountain? Before [Zerubbabel*] you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of 'God bless it! God bless it!.” – Zechariah 4: 7 (NIV)

Quote of the week: “Always be willing to give someone a second chance. After all, that’s what God does for you. Now in extending grace you can get hurt and disappointed, but if you're going to be Christ-like it's a risk you must take...” --- [Excerpt from The Word for Today, May 24, 2009]

*I thought really hard about my pick for this ‘song of the week’ - Pulling me back by M.I... [M.I. is a Nigerian rapper that I have so much respect for] before choosing it. I don’t really listen to rap music but this song does it for me. But since I am unable to upload his song I decided to play “Battlefield” by Jordin Sparks…

Have you ever been in a relationship (any kind of relationship) where you know you are been used but you still stick around because you love that person and don’t want to hurt their feelings? That I would write is my recent dilemma…

The actual post I wanted to write was about giving a broken relationship another chance but after last night…I find that I have been hurting myself.

This relationship (with this person) I have found out has become so toxic that I fear that it might contaminate my future relationship. Nothing I will ever do will make them accept me for who I am…they will never be at peace me even if I change who I am.
I tried to give it a second chance but my time has become too valuable to spend so much time feeding a relationship that is already dead and buried…I need to walk away from it.

Prayer: “God, please help me! I have tried my best to show how much I am willing to try to make this relationship work but God I am broken. I need to let go off it or I find I might become so bitter. Help me, God!!!”

**I know my quote of the week contradicts this post but I believe that there are some relationships that are still worth fighting for…and I know and pray that when it is time to back out of the drive way of that relationship, you will do the same. God bless you!
*Recent Update: On => !!! One Night with 'Bankole' !!!
Picture source: istockphoto