God stopped me on my track and spoke to my Spirit when I was about to get angry at a friend whom I realized I had began to use as a crutch. So what is Crutch? Or can I write, ‘Crutches’, since generally most people need two to move properly.
“Crutches are medical devices used when a patient is injured usually anywhere below the waist. They usually consist of supports to provide the patient with extra stability to enable normal movement.”[2]

Now, what led me to bring up this whole account/explanation on what Crutches are, I am sure you may or may not be wondering…?
Well, the drama about the Crutch played out a week ago, when I had a very important appointment to meet with someone. I certainly needed help getting around to the place of my appointment since it was out of my way. For this reason, I had called a friend to pick me up at certain time and also made arrangement to leave the office earlier than my close time.
As noon-time approached, I buzzed her many times on her mobile, but no one answered the call. By this time, I was becoming really nervous…which in a few minutes, changed to fury. To show how furious I was, I even began rehearsing the lines; I was going to rain down on her when she finally picks up her phone. But no avail, she still did not.
Right at that point, I decided to call the person I was scheduled to see and cancelled my appointment. And as I got off the phone with them, I was even angrier than a minute ago.
I knew had no other choice than to go home (since I had left my office area to wait for her) so I walked to bus stop as the rain fell. As I stood there, still contemplating what I was going to tell my friend for disappointing me, God stopped me on my tracks. He was like,
“Kemi, why are you using your friend as a crutch? I placed her in your life as a temporary helper to assist you when I deem it necessary then. But now you have to let go of those crutches you have place in her and hold on to me. Let me be your CRUTCH!”
It was then that I recognized what I had been doing and how ungrateful I had been towards my friend. This friend of mine in the past, had gone above and beyond in assisting me. This realization made me cry.
I had been making serious plans to get a new car but kept putting it off because I thought it was not necessary getting one right now. You know with recession, inflation, credit crunch...you name it! I used those excuse. But who was I to decide when the time was or not. All I had to do was show up and then show my faith in God…and from that point God will work with my little faith.
So by evening when she (my friend) finally returned my call, she apologized that she had overslept. I was no longer angry…I even found myself apologizing for being so ungrateful and how I should have had a back-up plan.
So what am I writing here? But that we should hear from God in any situation we are faced with. And ask ourselves when we find ourselve getting angry that there's no one on earth that will ever meet all our needs.
So I tell you bloggers, readers, commenters…let's let go of the crutch we have found in your friends, spouses, parents, siblings, leaders, Ministers…it is time to let God be your CRUTCH!!!
Have a fulfilled week, holding onto God as your crutch…!!!
Picture source: istockphoto Song "I Believe" originally sang by Fantasia Barrino (American Idol) [1] Lines from a Sermon by Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo [2] Crutch, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crutch