17th Sunday...The Coming Gift!!!
Song of the week: Adol – Orin
Encouragement Verse: “Because of the tender mercy of God,…the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness…, to guide our feet into the path of peace.” – Luke 1: 78, 79 (NIV)
Quote of the week: “GOD WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU EMPTY. If something is taken away, He will replace it with something better. If He denies your request in certain area, it is because He wishes to give you what is best. He asks you to put something down; it is so you can pick up something greater.” --- Roy Lessin
Yet again, I am graceful to God that I was able to soar through the week to observe another lovely Sunday of blogging…and once more I am able to leave my mark in the BLOGSVILLE world. It is my Seventh Sunday...with only one Sunday remaining, as anticipate the coming gift…reason for this season – Jesus…
So after my last post (“Am Expecting Triplets!”), a friend asked me what the deal was with that post…and I told them what I am telling you now, “I don’t have any explanation to make in the interim but by keeping pace with my write-ups, my soul will soon expose its nakedness to everyone…”
Meanwhile I have to put pen to paper about this week. It definitely has been a very hilarious week for this extra-ordinary winner child of GOD…
So where do I begin? The best place to start…
…Monday, on my way to work, another friend tells me about the drama that played out on CNN between Bush and the ‘Shoe-cide bomber’ as he dodge a Size 10 shoe…I had to watched it for myself on ‘YouTube’ to truly get why it was that funny…and after which I was just ROTFL endlessly…
Then there was Tuesday, “Oh my beloved Tuesday, you who brought the surprise of this week…” Someone really liked me so much that they thought of me when ‘Apple’ unveiled the new ipod called ‘Ipod Touch’. Yes, I have it right here in my hands…I still can’t believe it but it is so true! When I first tore open the wrapping paper I was like,”it is a lie! It is a lie!! It is a lie!!!” But Òmò, it is a very truth o (excuse my fake Queen’s English)…I really did get the ‘ipod touch’…
Wow! Baba God, You are just too much…
Prayer: “Please embarrass my friend with plenty blessing…May their pocket never go vacant with Pounds, Dollars and Euro. Amen”
On Wednesday, I had a really late-night (Tuesday) that I almost went late to work on Wednesday morning…but I was saved by a familiar ringtone announcing my friend’s call for our usual ‘Wednesday prayer’… it was then I realized that it was already 5:30am…I jumped out of bed, brushed my teeth, but neglected other duty (you know...) before dashing out of the house like one beautiful (*wink) crazy woman. Shhh! I know what you are thinking…hahahaha
Thursday, I began reading “Love your life” by Victoria Osteen. So far, I have to write that it is great book…and to end my day, I was so upset with the Bus driver that I did not say a single word as he drove us home…just two miles to my place I decided to come down and walk the rest of the distant to clear my head…
Friday, so glad to see the end of another working week…but come Monday again, I will be glad to come to work…abeg I am not a work-alcoholic but I just love the company I work for and my Amazing job…