6th Sunday...To The One I Love (Closure)!!!
Song of the week: Michael Jackson – Speechless
Encouragement Verse: “See now that this has touched Your LIPS, your wickness is removed, your sin Purged.” – Isaiah 6: 6
Quote of the week: “Imagine every day to be the last of a life surrounded with hopes, cares, anger, and fear. The hours that come unexpectedly will be so much more the grateful.” – Horace
Dear RY ,
I have tried on many occasions to just go about my business but out the blue, my thought revisits the moments we spent together. What do I do???
I should be angry with you but I can't anymore because there was a reason for our encounter and now I know it is time for me to let go of what remains of you. You were part of my yesterday that will never be for my today...That love has died and now I mourn for it like I have mourned a loved one long gone.
But the manifestation of GOD's Love that lead you into my life still makes me speechless. I still wonder to myself, "How did it happen?", "What did I do to deserve such a beautiful angel that once creeped into my life?" I know it was definitely Faith that brought this Two Souls together and I am glad I encountered you.
I do not intend to be a Victim forever but I want to be Victor in this situation, likewise you. Although we have gone our seperate way, I think I will continue to hold you in the beautiful place of my heart.
I shall not harbor any bitterness towards you but will continue to pray that when we meet again that God would have blessed us both with all our heart's desire. Take care my former Love.
Picture source: PhotoBucket