19th Sunday...Happy New Year to You All...!!!
Song of the week: R. Kelly – I Believe
Encouragement Verse: “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all.” – 1 Chronicles 29:12 (NIV)
Quote of the week: “God has a kingdom niche carved just for you. There are people He wants you to meet, lives He wants you to influence. He is tailoring your personality in such a way that you will hit it off with unsaved men and women who otherwise would never have the opportunity to experience a relationship with a believer. You are the instrument God wants to use to change someone's distorted perception of Christianity. You will be the one God uses to reshape someone's thinking and thereby prepare the way for salvation. That is, if you willing to make the discovery of His will your priority.” --- [An Extract from a book by Bishop Eddie long]
On Monday…only Two days obstructed my view from 2009…the fog of the relics of 2008 impeded everything and also my dress sense that I ended up wearing my Michael-Jackson-style pants to work, you know, the kind that’s afraid to touch the floor and we ladies, give it another name, Capri pants. My hair was also a mess...looking like one Tina Turner’s clone (hair-wise)…
By Tuesday…the thickness of the fog of 2008 seems to have began to eased out a bit and by today, my excitement for the New Year had amplified…Mind you, Hair still a mess...
...taking me into Wednesday , the cusp of the New Year, I watched as 2008 began to fade into the background of the yester-years each hour that I could only thank God with my Friend (during Power Wednesday) as we reminiscence the days gone by…We could only be appreciative that we’ve been given the grace of yet another day…and in a short while…yet another Year too…
And after a long wait, it was finally HERE, Thursday…
Yeah!!! And it is 2009…Happy New Year!!! …Ok, I have to confess that I have been listening to Eldee's “Bosi Gbangba”…non-stop since last year (December 31, 2008)...I know o, it is soooo last year abi??? Anyways, it is all good...
So, it is the New Year, but I found myself kicking my feet up with Old movies...and some new ones also…I have to write that If my poor DVD player could nag like a woman then I would have had my ears full...lol
My mobile was bombard with “New Year” messages...and I reciprocated...(People are keeping it cheap even in the New Year, Haba!!! LOL!!!)
Then it was Friday (Strictly, a ME day)…No work for me, so I spent it giving myself a treat, a well-merited treat…went shopping until my feet were hurting. Learning to put myself on top of the list of “people-to-make-happy” [Me first, then Others follow]...By Saturday…I just did some restructuring...sorting out my bills and important documents. This year I need to begin to think about putting more “actions” to my words...
“This is my year of new discoveries”
Then it is Sunday…the Year 2009…First Sunday…and my Nineteenth Sunday of Sunday-Sunday blogging…and to top it all…
Thank you, God, for the ‘Gift of another Year’…
Picture source: Getty Images