31st Sunday...Making The Right Choice!!!
* Please click song title to watch & Listen the song of the week... Song of the week: Mandisa – My Deliverer
Encouragement Verse: “You will go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” – Isaiah 55: 12 (NIV)
Quote of the week: “If God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes.” --- Alexander Maclaren
I wrote these little thought to myself after watching the 2007 Nollywood movie titled, ‘A letter to a stranger’…
Why did Jemima have to choose ‘Fred’at the end of the movie? Was ‘Sadiq’ not also deserving of her love to change her mind? I know this only a movie but it unquestionably does happen in reality. In fact, everyday we are faced with a similar dilemma. Honestly, we love ‘Fred’ but what would happen down the road or ten years from now?
And if our choice is to be ‘Sadiq’, will it only be a phase that eventually fades away, quickly turning into that regret...? An infatuation...
Gosh! This can be so hard...!!!
Facing the same dilemma when I remembered what I had written a long time ago. So what will you do when you have to make a decision between two things, person, or maybe a job…especially when both choices seem so attractive? Let me know your thoughts..
Meanwhile, this is the chapter (of my life) I am reading...
“You seem to have added weight…” I heard those lines, like the one hundredth time this month. My reaction immediately was I had to set myself up for some serious dieting. I could not even believe my eyes when I checked my weight in the scales, I had gained more than 10 Pounds/4.54Kg in the course of two Weeks (I am sure even more).
Just 10 Pounds and already my clothes don’t fit right. There's definitely the need to do something before things began to get out of hand. So I will join other fellow bloggers who have began to walk-out and also I have to watch my eating habits.
My goal is to lose at least 20 Pounds/9.072Kg.
**Thinking to myself: Why do we ladies always worry about our weight when a guy makes a comment about it...And to think that we've made up our minds never to let it get to us, but it still does...LOL
So, I guess I have another new task at hand...
...Images from: Getty Images