Sunday, March 29, 2009

31st Sunday...Making The Right Choice!!!

* Please click song title to watch & Listen the song of the week...
Song of the week: Mandisa – My Deliverer

Encouragement Verse: “You will go out in Joy and be led forth in Peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” – Isaiah 55: 12 (NIV)

Quote of the week:If God sends us on stony paths, He will provide us with strong shoes.” --- Alexander Maclaren

I wrote these little thought to myself after watching the 2007 Nollywood movie titled, ‘A letter to a stranger’

Why did Jemima have to choose Fredat the end of the movie? Was Sadiq not also deserving of her love to change her mind? I know this only a movie but it unquestionably does happen in reality. In fact, everyday we are faced with a similar dilemma. Honestly, we love ‘Fred’ but what would happen down the road or ten years from now?

And if our choice is to be ‘Sadiq’, will it only be a phase that eventually fades away, quickly turning into that regret...? An infatuation...

Gosh! This can be so hard...!!!

Facing the same dilemma when I remembered what I had written a long time ago. So what will you do when you have to make a decision between two things, person, or maybe a job…especially when both choices seem so attractive? Let me know your thoughts..

Meanwhile, this is the chapter (of my life) I am reading...

You seem to have added weight…” I heard those lines, like the one hundredth time this month. My reaction immediately was I had to set myself up for some serious dieting. I could not even believe my eyes when I checked my weight in the scales, I had gained more than 10 Pounds/4.54Kg in the course of two Weeks (I am sure even more).

Just 10 Pounds and already my clothes don’t fit right. There's definitely the need to do something before things began to get out of hand. So I will join other fellow bloggers who have began to walk-out and also I have to watch my eating habits.

My goal is to lose at least 20 Pounds/9.072Kg.

**Thinking to myself: Why do we ladies always worry about our weight when a guy makes a comment about it...And to think that we've made up our minds never to let it get to us, but it still does...LOL

So, I guess I have another new task at hand...

...Images from: Getty Images

Sunday, March 22, 2009

30th Sunday...Love The Place You Are!!!

* Please click song title to watch & Listen the song of the week...

Song of the week: Ohenmaa Mercy – Edin Jesus

Encouragement Verse: “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to thinking about. Your workmanship is Marvelous – and how well I know it.” – Psalm 139: 14 (TLB)

Quote of the week:The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. It is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without.” --- Ralph Waldo Emerson was Saturday, when I heard my phone ring as I had my breakfast. It was a friend I hadn't spoken to for a while…We got talking about different things and one talk led to another, then she said something to me about not getting too worried about the place/situation I am right now but I should learn how to appreciate it and in due season, and at the right time I’ll definitely move to the next level.

[Need I say, this friend of mine is a Muslim but the words she spoke made my heart blossom like flowers…God is surely no respecter of man, He does how He wants to and chooses who He wants to…and knows when to send the right person to breathe life through the words they speak into your life...]

>>>Sometimes we find ourselves in places that we spend our time complaining about instead of finding out ways we can get out. It is like being in a deep hole with no way of getting out…instead of complaining about being there and stay in the same spot forever, you can joyfully start looking for ways to get out. And need I say, you just may need the help from those who make your life a living hell in the hole to get out.

>>>Or we just may say it’s because we are not in the right environment that is why we have not yet prospered or some uncle or aunty has done some ritual using. But we forget that geographical location does not determine our success what God has put inside us. Read this quote by Thomas Edison...

Most of my ideas belonged to other people who didn't bother to develop them.”

Neither can human stop the destiny God has mapped out for us…

If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31

>>>And maybe you are still single (like me), and you think it was because some man or woman jilted you that is why you are not yet married. But I tell you that you should be thankful to God that you become heir to that baggage that came with that relationship. That relationship was meant to be temporary…for the better portion that God has kept aside specially for you. [No one ever stays permanently in our life, all comes and goes. What would matters in the end should be, how they saw us live our life.]

>>>Then just maybe it is your job…you hate your job, your colleagues and most of all, your boss…and even when you’ve prayed that you get another job/position, you still find yourself in the same place two or more years later.

What do we do?
One of the best ways to getting out of situation is realizing that there’s no condition that is permanent…surely one day this will pass. Appreciate it and learn to love it (even if there’s nothing to love about it) and just when we start getting comfortable…Guess what? God is ready to give us another task. and like the Jeffersons, it is time to move up. What can I say, but that is just God’s way of saying that you have done a great job and it is time for a promotion.

[Remember the Parable of the Talents: Matthew 25:14-30…only those who use their talents properly got more]

So Seek the propersity of the place/situation you find yourself, for it is only when it prospers that you prosper…learn to HOPE for the promise of tomorrow as APPECIATE the place I find myself today…
>>>I guess I am trying to write here that I need to step up my game so God can find me worthy for the next level [Amen]

Images from: Getty Images

Sunday, March 15, 2009

29th Sunday...I Need To Slow Down!!!

Song of the week: Third Day – Call My Name

Encouragement Verse: “Have mercy on me, O GOD, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions.” – Psalm 51: 1 (NIV)

Quote of the week:Attitude is Everything...Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. Each day is not promised to us, but with each day that we are given, let’s make a difference!” --- Author Unknown

Eight month ago, My Genesis began [See my First Sunday Post] with Hope & Faith that I will have a bountiful harvest at the end of it all (Amen).
And like Esther, I wonder how God's revelation about my destiny will ever come to past. Every road that leads to the fulfilment of God‘s promised blessings seem to have one obstruction of some sort: some caused by my own making while others caused by some other reasons.

We need to recognize those obstacle which we have brought about by our own doing and ask God to help us ‘Slow down’ before it leads to our destruction...
I am thankful to God that I can post my Sunday post again which happens to be my Twenty-nineth Sunday post, to begin the new week...also am all grins today that my journey is still not over. So this Sunday, I ask,

God for what reason am I me what You want to make of my life. Please don't cast me to the side...don't remember my sins which I do know is alway before You. But You, O Lord, forgive me. Have Mercy but let me know Your plans for my life...”

My Flaws
Like glue, my bad habit have stuck with me...and they keep accumulating like keepsake items that I am never in need of but I just keep around...

I definitely need to do something about them before they overtake me. I have to realize that God can only help me when I do call on His name. For it is when we are weak...that God is strong.

Also on my own, I decided to add more fun to my struggles knowing that I will overcome in the end. I need to make an effort to change instead of telling myself that I will but keep going back to the dirt. I guess I am tired of repeating the same exam which is the core course to my long overdue graduation to the next level.

God Has A Sense of Humor

So this is what I decided to do (by His grace)...Get a calender which I will insert 'Smiley faces’ as each day goes by (only if I do earn them though)...
If I succeed in doing something positive each day, then I reward myself with ‘Smiley faces’ but if I succumb to my own desire and eat dinner once more with the devil then I get a sad face. Each Month I get to calculate how far I have fought to stay steadfast to my promise to God. I just want to make it fun because who said, God does not have a wonderful sense of humor...[*Wink]

He Does...

I also need to alway remember that “I am God's temple therefore I need to take care of it until the day God visits me and finds me worthy of His heavenly place..."

*Remember I can't do it alone without God and you, Guys who have been an encouragement to me. God bless you as I read your input.

Images from: Getty Images

Sunday, March 8, 2009

28th Sunday...A Day Too Late!!!

Song of the week: Gogo – Almighty God

Encouragement Verse: “… seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” – Jeremiah 29: 7 (NIV)

Quote of the week:There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.” --- John Calvin

Definitely, am a day too late but I guess better late than never. So this is my Twenty-eighth Sunday post and still reading the Book of Esther. There’s so much to learn from the book of Esther. About the way, she carries herself with grace...knowing what she wants but never taking a step faster than God. I am still learning to just trust God with everything and I may probably have start from the very beginning again. Am I afraid of starting from the beginning? Of course, I am...even the thought of it does scare me but I believe that the Lord is surely my strength.

Lord, show me my blind spot…”

My Shortcomings
Honestly, at this point of my journey I have to say, am like the woman in this image…am so exhausted. I keep fighting but I never get to that point where I get Victory…am running but yet I still have not found the finishing point. Sometime I get this feeling that I have not done enough...I strive to be better each week but it is like I find myself right at the very place I started. I guess am too hard on me...but Gosh! I need strength...

Well, what can I do, the fight continues and I just have to rise once again and keep fighting…“but I need to tell you, God, please don’t leave me alone”...Give me strength once again.

Images from: Getty Images

Sunday, March 1, 2009

27th Sunday...Dancing to the Life around Me!!!

Song of the week: Jazzi Tee – Gbaajoo

Encouragement Verse:When I walk into the thick of trouble, keep me alive in the angry turmoil. With one hand strike my foes, with your other hand save me. Finish what you started in me,God. Your love is eternal—don't quit on me now.”
Psalm 138:7 - 8 (The Message)

Quote of the week: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
Now put foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau

On this my 27th Sunday Post...Y

...and for this new month, I will begin studying the Book of Esther, which I believe has been put in my spirit by God to read for sometime now...but I have sturbbornly ignored that call. But I have to say that I am now becoming a bit curious as to why this revelation/passage has been so strong within me. I guess it is time for God to reveal His plans for me...

...May God use this Book of Esther to change my life in a positive way...

On the side, I will continue my Dance to the life around me. Have a wonderful week!!!

Picture source: Getty Image