30th Sunday...Love The Place You Are!!!
* Please click song title to watch & Listen the song of the week...
Encouragement Verse: “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to thinking about. Your workmanship is Marvelous – and how well I know it.” – Psalm 139: 14 (TLB)
Quote of the week: “The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear. It is the storm within that endangers him, not the storm without.” --- Ralph Waldo Emerson
[Need I say, this friend of mine is a Muslim but the words she spoke made my heart blossom like flowers…God is surely no respecter of man, He does how He wants to and chooses who He wants to…and knows when to send the right person to breathe life through the words they speak into your life...]>>>Sometimes we find ourselves in places that we spend our time complaining about instead of finding out ways we can get out. It is like being in a deep hole with no way of getting out…instead of complaining about being there and stay in the same spot forever, you can joyfully start looking for ways to get out. And need I say, you just may need the help from those who make your life a living hell in the hole to get out.
>>>Or we just may say it’s because we are not in the right environment that is why we have not yet prospered or some uncle or aunty has done some ritual using. But we forget that geographical location does not determine our success what God has put inside us. Read this quote by Thomas Edison...
“Most of my ideas belonged to other people who didn't bother to develop them.”
Neither can human stop the destiny God has mapped out for us…
“If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31
>>>And maybe you are still single (like me), and you think it was because some man or woman jilted you that is why you are not yet married. But I tell you that you should be thankful to God that you become heir to that baggage that came with that relationship. That relationship was meant to be temporary…for the better portion that God has kept aside specially for you. [No one ever stays permanently in our life, all comes and goes. What would matters in the end should be, how they saw us live our life.]
>>>Then just maybe it is your job…you hate your job, your colleagues and most of all, your boss…and even when you’ve prayed that you get another job/position, you still find yourself in the same place two or more years later.
What do we do?
[Remember the Parable of the Talents: Matthew 25:14-30…only those who use their talents properly got more]
So Seek the propersity of the place/situation you find yourself, for it is only when it prospers that you prosper…learn to HOPE for the promise of tomorrow as APPECIATE the place I find myself today…
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