37th Sunday...This is for you, Mama…!!!
Song of the week: Chris Brown & Keri Heilson – Superhuman
Encouragement Verse: “Every time I say your name in prayer—which is practically all the time—I thank God for you, the God I worship with my whole life in the tradition of my ancestors.” – 2 Timothy 1:3 (The Message)
Quote of the week: “Your arms were always open when I needed a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson. Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.” --- Sarah Malin
Iya mi (Mrs. Penélopê),
Ok, I know I have been a problematical child lately, and I am sure you keep wondering if someone must have switched your real child at birth.
But “Mama, it is still me…your Prodigal Daughter”
In my journey of self-discovery, I have realize that I never took the time to know the real you and where you are coming from.
You were a novice when it came to being a woman, wife and mother…but you raised me the way you knew best. I guess God had other plans for your mother that you had to face the new world of motherhood alone. I am sure if they had a University course for being a mother, you would have registered for it. But even then you never backed down from your pursuit of being the best you could be.
You trusted God and knew that you will be able to face every mountain. I see so much of you in me and I get scared…but that is who I am. I remember times you whop me when I did something naughty but you alway made it up to me that I forget the whopping of yesterdays. Now, when I look at how far I have come, I realize that you have made me into a ‘Strong Black Woman’ - ‘Superhuman’, I am.
Even if we quarrel more than we speak…I still love you for giving me a chance to make a difference in the world. You could have done away with me but you did not.
Iya mi, I am still getting to know you better…
I want to hate you but Gosh! When I think about the wonderful things you have sacrifice for me…I just can’t help but love you.I laugh at the fact that even if I have informed you like a million times against trying to hook me up with every eligible bachelor, you still secretly do it…in fact, eHarmony & match.com, don’t have anything on you…
I love you, Iya mi…we are in this together and I know we’ll find a common ground pretty soon…just be patience with me.
**To every mother, especially blogging mother, thank you for sharing your experience of Motherhood with the world. You women are simply, Superhuman.
Images from: Getty Images